Monday, September 15th, Theresa Murray-Clasen, employed by the Montpelier food pantry, JUST BASICS, inc. came in and told team Sirius a little about what she and the program do. Much of the team gathered in "The Quad" for a little demonstration. It involved giving a small portion of the people in the room some food and a large portion with nothing making it quite unfair. The simulation showed how many people are hungry and have food insecurity in Vermont. One in every five people may not know where their next meal is coming from. This number is staggering, with a world average of one in every eight. Theresa and the organization she works for aim to change this.
JUST BASICS, inc. is a non-profit that organizes food drives and allows people with food insecurity to come in and get a meal when they need it, they run the Montpelier food drive and other programs. A link to their web site is below.
JUST BASICS, inc. is a non-profit that organizes food drives and allows people with food insecurity to come in and get a meal when they need it, they run the Montpelier food drive and other programs. A link to their web site is below.